Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Okay, so here it is the beginning of January 2009 and I've already fallen a month behind on my blogger pledge! But what better time than the new year to start fresh and try again right? This is always a hard time of year for me because I get the post Holiday blues. And it doesn't seem to help matters when I'm living in below zero temperatures and snow.

It's also at this time that I like to look back at the previous year and see all that we've accomplished and all that we have to be thankful for as a family. The number one thing that we have to be grateful for is our new Alexis. She was by far the best part of 2008. She is definitely a challenge but she gets a little better every day. We can now confess that Olivia was our little angel child sent to us by a loving Heavenly Father who knew how much we would need her sweet spirit in our family to help us through life's surprises and challenges over the past six years. I also now understand the fact that all children come with their own personalities and that this can make life extremely interesting. I'm so blessed to have 2 wonderful daughters and an incredible husband who I love more than words can describe. Jed is truly my better half. He's a spectacular father and is always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I need him. He is so caring and kind and a positive influence in my life. I know that I don't tell him nearly enough how much he means to me and how grateful I am that he is my sweetheart!! (so I hope he reads this entry sometime:) - I Love You!

Okay so now on to some pictures after all of this boring writing. I have to apologize because there will be a lot of pictures because I am so far behind on my blogging. ENJOY and may all of you have a wonderful new year full of lots of love and laughter!!

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