Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today is my dad's Birthday and I thought it would be fun to start a new tradition of posting some fun pictures of him! Here are the top 5 reasons why we love our dad and papa so much!! 1. He is so fun to play with (thanks for the input Livvy) 2. He's a great listener, full of great advice 3. He is very caring and Christ-like 4. He is extremely intelligent 5. He's so young at heart. We could go on forever, but these were our favorite! Happy Birthday dad!!

1 comment:

Swain Family said...

Looks like you guys are adjusting to being TEXANS! I expect your heads er gonna get all swolled up like all 'em other dumb Texicans and you'll start thinkin' yer better 'an everyone else! Crime-a-nittly!!! Take care.

P-Swizzle (AKA-PG) I had to get an alias down here!:)