Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu - Yikes!

OK, so I am sure by now you have all heard about the swine flu outbreak in the US, but did you know that our school district was where the first cases were confirmed? Last week we had been receiving calls from our superintendent and from the county health department about the swine flu that infected some of the high school students and so we would be closing the high school. Then the next day they decided to close the whole district. So we have been asked to stay at home as much as possible this week and not take our children out. A lot of public places that host large gatherings (like Olivia's tumbling class) have been closed, including all of the parks. It is now Thursday and Olivia is already deciding that a week off of school wasn't as fun as she thought it would be - especially since she can't really go anywhere or do anything (and mom's starting to go a little stir crazy too!) Thank goodness for fun close friends!


Jeremy and Krista said...

Oh my gosh that's scary!! We've had lectures at the hospital on it and it doesn't sound good. You guys be careful. Get ya some masks to wear everywhere and some antibaterial hand sanitizer!!!(I'm sure Jed would go for that right??!!) Keep in touch and let me know how things play out down there. As for the mean time hang in there, she'll be back to school in no time. Just remember going a little crazy is better than the swine flu that would sent you completely crazy!!! Miss you guys and love ya'll. Tell Jed hi and I hope he's liking his job!! Give the girls a hig and kiss for me. Take care and talk to ya soon.

Brooke Romney said...

We have it here too, but no schools closed. Hoe you make it!!!